Passing of Joe Vivier – One in a million

July 14, 2013  |   News

It is with deep sadness that we report the loss of an SFS family member a week ago.


All smiles at our Christmas party in Dec 2012 with Chloe and Angela

Joe Vivier, 59, sadly passed away at home from a suspected heart attack on Sunday 7th July, leaving wife Gill, sons Mike and Dave, and 5 month old grandson Louis.

Joe joined us in 2006 and instantly became a member of the SFS family with his laid back, almost laying down approach to day to day tasks, his jokes and all round humour, his knowledge, his love of Southampton FC, rocking out some riffs on his guitar, sipping Bell’s whisky – his warm personality brought light to our office every day. And his love of cooking brought great aromas each Christmas eve when he would bring the most amazing dishes for us to eat and enjoy during our staff party before going home to our families.


Even as Count Dracula, Joe still has a smile


Joe with his wife Gill. Part of the family at our Christmas party.


Joe with Chloe at Dave Negus’ 68th Birthday Party

Joe was one in a million – a true gentleman – a wonderful person to have in our office and we all miss him so very much. Forever in our hearts and forever in our thoughts – Joe Vivier – Rest in Peace.


Always smiling and laughing – Joe was part of the furniture at SFS

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