SFS Christmas Party !

February 18, 2013  |   News

The SFS Annual Christmas PartyAs a family business we strongly believe in family values and traditions. Part of our yearly tradition, like many other companies, is to have a Christmas party where our employees and their partners can let their hair down and we can show our appreciation for another year of hard work.

In addition we also have a slightly informal gathering on Christmas eve, or the final working day before the short break, where everyone hands out ‘Secret Santa’ gifts and tucks into a huge feast prepared by the staff. This year we posted pictures of both events on our social networking sites and we welcome you to browse  these pictures and see our ‘family spirit’ first hand. Unfortunately some pictures have been destroyed to save the reputations of those involved!

To do this, all you need to do is like our Facebook page or follow us on twitter

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all smiles at SFS

All smiles at the SFS Christmas Party


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