Voted Best Agent – Again!

April 02, 2015  |   News


The Freight Club

TFC Conference Dublin

Group shot of more than 45 represented nations, coming together for our annual conference

It’s a dreary night in Dublin, the 25th March and our Managing Director Ross Negus and his father, our very own Dave Negus are attending the closing Gala Dinner of ‘The Freight Club’ (TFC) conference, where our global members all meet for three days to discuss our collaboration and share some networking opportunities together.

As many awards are given, some in jest and others in the spirit of our family style global freight forwarders network, we felt honoured to be presented with the ‘Best Agent’ award, joint winners together with our partners AST – Air Sea Truck International GMBH in Frankfurt, Germany, as voted by the TFC members.

TFC presentation Best Agent

Dave Negus accepting the award on behalf of SFS for Joint Best Freight Forwarder, in Dublin last month

Its the third time that the award has been presented, and the third time that we have been voted by our partners as number one. We feel honoured and extremely thankful, and wish to dedicate the win to our wonderful team who work so hard to service our partners globally. The equivalent in the freight industry as the footballers voting for the best footballer, it is indeed a wonderful example of the rewards for striving to provide the highest possible level of customer service.

The conference is spread over three and a half days and consists of one to one meetings and organised evenings together, bonding the partners together. It’s generally a very social affair, as we have built friendships with these partners over many years.

As a final touch, Dave Negus was also presented with a bottle of champagne, congratulating him for celebrating his 48th wedding anniversary on the day of the Gala Dinner! What a milestone !

The conference was a great success, helping us to further our bond with many partners who operate for us globally, and whom we operate for in the UK. Our close working relationship with these offices allow Southampton Freight Services to continue offering a dedicated personal service across the globe. We look forward to that global network continuing to grow.


Ross receiving a novelty prize of shot glasses from the board of directors for the TFC


UK, Germany,Sri Lanka, Singapore,USA,New Zealand & Malaysia


A group visit to the Guinness factory Ross and his father Dave grab a quick snap


Never a truer sentence – be patient


conference meeting dublin

Group meeting with Malaysia, Canada, USA,New Zealand, UK and Norway.

48th wedding anniversary dublin

Dave Negus presented with a gift from the members on his 48th wedding anniversary!














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